Friday, March 12, 2010

Only a few more weeks...

...and we are off to the land of gardening, freckled, tea drinking people and bacon, eggs and black beans. Am I predjudiced? I don´t know. Ask me again in a year or follow my blog. I will try and keep you all updated on our experiences with "the English" and possibly I will also have news concerning the men in tights. ;)

Many people have asked me how I feel about moving. Mhh, I really can´t tell. Mixed feelings describes it best, I suppose. One day I am utterly excited and can´t wait to move and other days I go around wondering what the f* we are doing. It´s an up and down journey, really but I am sure in the end I will not regret this turn in our lives at all. Adventure here we come!

It´ll be interesting to see how the kids take it. I guess our "mini-I" won´t really feel a difference whereas big-sister S might need more time to adjust, especially since she will be confronted with yet another language. I will have both kids at home until, at least august, which will be a wee bit of a challenge but at the same time, when will I ever get to spend so much time with them again?
If you have any great tips on things to do with the kids on e.g. rainy days (remember we are going to England!!!) just post them, you might save me some gray hairs. ;)